Tried to reduce the slapstick in the Gungan Battle Thought it’d help show his defiant behavior later seen in AOTC and ROTS off early.

Anakin joins the space fight intentionally and before any one notices him in the cockpit. Cut explicit mention of Jar Jar being made a general The implication made is that the Naboo had colonized the planet, destroying many sacred places to the Gungans, and dismissed them as barbaric savages due to their warrior ways. Tried to subtly explain the hostility between the Naboo and Gungans better in Boss Nass’ conversation. Inspired by Sheepish’s amazing edit, I changed Anakin and Qui-Gon’s discussion to remove mentions of Midichlorians, instead Qui-Gon tells Anakin that, when he clears his mind, he’ll hear The Force speaking to him. Tried to remove all mentions of a “treaty”, instead the Federation’s goal is the force Naboo to join the Separatist cause. In a similar vein to other fan edits, I tried to remove lines about Anakin being “too old”, to remove the weird pseudo cult-like indoctrination the Jedi seem to be doing Now they’re barely able to get a word into the Senate before being interrupted by the Federation spokespeople, who are able to go unimpeded, causing Padme to get fed up and declare the vote of no confidence. Really tried to trim down the politics scenes, shortening and restructuring scenes. Re added part of the deleted scene where Qui Gon realizes they’re being tracked by the Probe droids Though I removed the midichlorian part, ending the scene at the “sleep well Ani” line The nighttime scene has been moved to after Qui-Gon reveals Anakin is free.

Cut out the scene that shows Sebulba survived the race Added TIE Attack to the early parts of the race where there was no music before. The pod race is now one giant lap, with people dying left and right. Removed the Pod Race commentators, as well as all of the cut away reaction shots. Instead we just see Maul land and send out the Probe Droids Moved Qui-Gon and Anakin’s nighttime talk to after the podrace. The implication being he left while Shmi was still pregnant. During Qui-Gon and Shmi’s talk, Qui-Gon asks who the father is, to which Shmi gives a sad look before saying “I carried him, birthed him, raised him”. A major change is Anakin not being the Chosen One, just a very powerful force user. Tried to remove most of the references to Anakin being a bad pilot, tried to go for more of him being inexperienced Removed the “At last we reveal ourselves” scene. Tried to cut Threepio out of the film, he is still in the background, but doesn’t speak, and there’s no mention of Anakin building him Cut out Jar Jar and Sebulba’s initial meeting, instead replacing it with the “Anakin and Greedo” deleted scene Resubtitled Anakin and Watto’s conversations, tried to make Anakin more of a smartass Cut out Watto saying mind tricks don’t work on him Cut out the “Are you an angel” line, Padme and Anakin’s conversation starts with Anakin talking about how one day he’ll fly away from Tatooine, and ends at Padme’s realization that Anakin’s a slave His personality has also been changed to a more laid-back type. Some are still in, of course, Jar Jar is still largely comedic relief, though to a far lesser extent. Replaced the conference scene with the Federation and Darth Sidious with one earlier in the film, Sidious merely alludes to Maul Cut out a few lines or moments I didn’t quite find pleasing The Opening goes straight to the escape from Naboo The Trade Federation are now just The Federation, an extremist section of the Separatist movement New Opening Crawl, establishing a slightly more interesting plot (will most likely be redoing) The Gungans, Neimoidians, Battle Droids, and Darth Sidious are now subtitled over, using the French dub of the film (The latter three heavily pitched down) A new color grade, attempting to remove the horrid pink tint over the footage, as well as trying to get it looking more like Star Wars ‘77 The primary goal is to shift Qui-Gon and Anakin as the definitive protagonist, remove much of the unneeded clutter, comedic relief, all that jazz. I know these are probably dime a dozen at this point, but I thought it’d be fun to do! Hello! This is my first real attempt at this sorta thing, an attempt to, in my eyes, better The Phantom Menace. Star Wars Episode I: Age of the Jedi (WIP Phantom Menace Edit) Author NotTheDri0ds Date 1, 6:21 PM Author NotTheDri0ds Time 1 6:21 PM (Edited) Post link Star Wars Episode I: Age of the Jedi (WIP Phantom Menace Edit) - Original Trilogy Sign In